Are you interested? Wunderbar! So we go from here:


  1. Collection of information:
    To build your own individual dream e-bike, we need some information in order to make us a first sketch. To this end, we ask that you simply fill in our form below.

  2. telephone-icon

  3. Coordination and exchange of ideas:
    Once we receive your completed questionnaire, we will contact you by telephone – You are of course very welcome to visit us in our workshop. This personal interaction is important for us to make a real balance between your ideas and what is possible with the actual affordable technology.

  4. Desk

  5. Design: preparation of a first draft:
    In the next step, a first draft of the future bikes will be created – based on the information of the questionnaire and the telephone call. In this draft you will find the design of your e-bike as well as the planned materials and this calculated price. If the draft reach your expectation, we will request a confirmation by phone or email. We will as well request from you a first deposit of 50% of the estimated total price.

  6. Mechanic

  7. We build your e-bike!
    Immediately after the receipt of payment, we will start to assemble their personal e-bikes. This „building-phase“ usually takes about one month.

  8. people-delivery

  9. Receipt – delivery – invoice
    Your e-bike is ready – we will notify you immediately by phone or email. You can come by and see your bike Personnally. If you are satisfied, you get the final invoice. After payment you can take your bike and get started immediately.
    Of course, shipping is available,as well linked to the receipt of payment.


Why is a deposit required?

We are a small business specialized in unique pieces. Therefore, we do not build bikes off the rack, but individual services that are tailored to their owner – Each e-bike is exactly thought for one person and one person only, YOU.
In order to do this, we look for the exclusive materials for your bike worldwide and we need but of course also some assurance that a mutual trust prevails. You will simply provide it with your deposit.

Are you ready?
Then on the questionnaire! We look forward to meeting you!

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